Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.

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Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.
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Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.
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Legislation Overview

Legislation name
Chemical Substances Control Law (CSCL)
Applicable to
The CSCL aims to prevent environmental pollution and protect human health by regulating the production, import, and use of chemical substances based on risk evaluations.
Applies to all chemical substances manufactured or imported into Japan, with a focus on monitoring and regulating those classified as hazardous to the environment or human health.
Key requirements
Submission of notification for new chemical substances. Classification of chemicals into general, priority assessment, or monitoring chemical substances. Compliance with restrictions on production and use of specified substances. Conducting hazard assessments and submitting results to authorities.
Non-compliance with CSCL regulations may result in fines, suspension of business activities, and/or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the violation.
Substances used in small quantities for research and development. Substances already evaluated and listed as low-risk. Specific use cases exempted under other regulations (e.g., pharmaceuticals, pesticides).
The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), along with the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), provides detailed guidance documents on compliance with CSCL, including notification procedures and risk assessment protocols