The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has expanded its Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) by adding five new hazardous chemicals as of 21 January 2025. This update, which now includes 247 entries, affects EU and EEA suppliers who must comply with new regulatory obligations to ensure safe use and communication of these substances.
New Additions to the Candidate List
6-[(C10-C13)-alkyl-(branched, unsaturated)-2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl]hexanoic acid
- EC Number: 701-118-1
- CAS Number: 2156592-54-8
- Uses: Lubricants, greases, release products, and metal working fluids
- Risk: Toxic for reproduction
O,O,O-triphenyl phosphorothioate
- EC Number: 209-909-9
- CAS Number: 597-82-0
- Uses: Lubricants and greases
- Risk: Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT)
- EC Number: 203-497-4
- CAS Number: 107-51-7
- Uses: Manufacture and/or formulation of cosmetics, personal/health care products, pharmaceuticals, washing and cleaning products, coating, and non-metal surface treatment, sealants, and adhesives
- Risk: Very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vPvB)
- EC Number: 206-420-2
- CAS Number: 338-83-0
- Uses: Manufacture of electrical, electronic, and optical equipment and machinery and vehicles
- Risk: Very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vPvB)
Reaction mass of: triphenylthiophosphate and tertiary butylated phenyl derivatives
- EC Number: 421-820-9
- CAS Number: 92268-65-8
- Uses: No active registrations
- Risk: Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT)
Updates to Substances on the Candidate List
Tris(4-nonylphenyl, branched and linear) phosphite
This substance's entry was updated to reflect its classification as an endocrine disruptor for the environment. The classification now explicitly states its intrinsic properties and also accounts for cases where it contains ≥ 0.1% w/w of 4-nonylphenol, branched and linear (4-NP). Uses include polymers, adhesives, sealants, and coatings.
Regulatory Obligations for Suppliers
Suppliers to Businesses or Professional Users
Safe Use Communication
Suppliers must provide sufficient information to professional customers on articles containing Candidate List substances above 0.1% w/w to ensure their safe use. This information must be included in the supply chain.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Suppliers of Candidate List substances or mixtures containing such substances must provide an updated safety data sheet.
For mixtures not classified as hazardous but containing Candidate List substances at ≥ 0.1% w/w (non-gaseous) or ≥ 0.2% v/v (gaseous), SDS must be provided upon request.
Notification to ECHA
Producers and importers must notify ECHA if their articles contain Candidate List substances exceeding 0.1% w/w and one tonne per year. Notification is required within six months of inclusion in the Candidate List.
Minimisation of Emissions (PBT and vPvB Substances)
Professional users are required to apply risk management measures recommended in supplier communications to minimise emissions and exposure.
Suppliers to Consumers
Consumer Information on Safe Use
Upon request, suppliers must inform consumers whether their articles contain Candidate List substances above 0.1% w/w. This information, including safe-use guidelines, must be provided free of charge within 45 days.
Ecolabel Restrictions
Products containing Candidate List substances are not eligible for EU Ecolabel certification, restricting their marketability to eco-conscious consumers.
Implications for Industry
The inclusion of these substances in the Candidate List has significant implications for various industries. Companies using these chemicals must implement risk management measures to minimise exposure and emissions, aligning with REACH regulations.
Future Authorisation Requirements
Substances on the Candidate List may eventually be placed on the Authorisation List, necessitating companies to apply for permission to continue their use. This potential shift highlights the need for industries to explore safer alternatives and innovate in chemical usage to maintain compliance and sustainability.