The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has recently published a comprehensive report assessing the regulatory needs for a group of chemicals known as Polyphenylalkanes_alkenes. This assessment is part of ECHA's ongoing effort to evaluate and manage the risks associated with chemical substances in the European Union.
Background of the Assessment
The substances under assessment belong to a group characterized by their structure - consisting of two or more benzene rings substituted with various saturated or unsaturated alkyl/cyclic groups. The group includes 28 substances, with 11 having full registrations, 4 intermediates, 3 notified new substances (NONS), 6 C&L notified, and 4 not registered substances.
Key Findings and Proposed Actions
The report details each substance's EC/List number, CAS number, name, chemical structure, registration type, and highest tonnage band. It highlights concerns about potential hazards, including reproductive toxicity, endocrine disruption (ED), and persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) properties for various substances.
Specifically, potential hazards for reproductive toxicity and ED are noted for substances like EC 217-568-2 and EC 248-654-8. Moreover, a number of substances are identified with known or potential hazards for aquatic toxicity.
Use Profile and Exposure Potential
These substances are primarily used as intermediates in chemical production, additives in plastics, and in heat transfer fluids. The report raises concerns about high potential exposure when used as plasticizers in polymer preparations, considering both professional and consumer uses.
Regulatory Risk Management
ECHA suggests several regulatory actions depending on the confirmation of hazards. These include compliance checks (CCH), classification and labelling harmonization (CLH), and possible restrictions. The report underscores the need for a restriction of professional and consumer uses, especially where potential exposure from articles is likely.
The ECHA's assessment underlines the importance of continuing to monitor and regulate chemical substances to protect human health and the environment. The agency emphasizes that the assessment is an iterative process, subject to change with new information or further evaluation.
For more detailed information and the full list of substances assessed, please refer to the ECHA's official website or the comprehensive report on the assessment of regulatory needs for the Polyphenylalkanes_alkenes group.