The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has initiated a significant call for evidence and information on the use of certain hexavalent chromium compounds, marking a pivotal step in the ongoing evaluation of these substances under the REACH regulation. This call is a direct response to the European Commission's request for a detailed dossier, potentially leading to stricter restrictions on these hazardous chemicals.
At the heart of this inquiry are two substances of very high concern, primarily due to their exposure to hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)):
Chromium Trioxide: This is the most widely used Cr(VI) compound, necessitating its inclusion in the scope of the proposed restrictions.
Chromic and Dichromic Acids: These acids, derivatives of chromium trioxide, are also under scrutiny to prevent regrettable substitution between them.
Call for Evidence: A Deep Dive into Industry Response
The call for evidence aims to gather comprehensive data on how the affected industries manage current worker exposure to Cr(VI), their existing risk management measures, and the feasibility of adhering to proposed Scientific Limit Values for Cr(VI) exposure and emissions. The information collected will be crucial in understanding the compliance costs for meeting these limits.
Broad Participation Encouraged
This initiative invites a wide range of stakeholders, including but not limited to:
- Companies using Cr(VI) compounds
- Industry associations
- NGOs
- Alternative providers
- Member State representatives
The participation of both EU/EEA and non-EU stakeholders is encouraged to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the issue.
Implications of Restriction Options
Companies operating above the proposed limit values must consider various options, including investing in risk management measures, adopting alternative substances or technologies, or ceasing their operations within the EU. The cost implications of these measures, which have not been thoroughly assessed before, will now be a focus area, allowing ECHA to conduct a rigorous impact assessment.
Objective of the Call for Evidence
The primary objective is to gather relevant information to assess the effectiveness and proportionality of different restriction options. This includes understanding the likely company responses, compliance costs, and the feasibility of alternatives.
Expectations from Contributors
Contributors are expected to provide detailed and justified information, which will be crucial in the risk and socio-economic impact assessment of the restriction options. ECHA emphasises the importance of robust justifications and references for all submissions.
Timeframe and Submission Guidelines
The call for evidence is open from 13 December 2023 to 13 February 2024. Submissions should be made through the official ECHA portal, ensuring confidentiality and proper handling of sensitive information.
For clarifications, stakeholders can reach out to: