The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has conducted a comprehensive assessment of regulatory needs for tert-alkyl/aryl peroxyesters, a group of chemicals primarily used in industrial polymer preparations. This evaluation, published on 11 December 2024, aims to address potential hazards such as reproductive toxicity and aquatic toxicity, urging further regulatory actions to ensure safety.
Understanding tert-Alkyl/Aryl Peroxyesters
Tert-alkyl/aryl peroxyesters are chemicals characterised by their peroxyester moiety, commonly used in industrial settings for polymer preparations. These substances are known for their high reactivity, which suggests a low exposure potential during handling. However, concerns have been raised about their degradation products, which may influence their hazard profile.
Potential Hazards and Risks
The primary concern identified by ECHA is reproductive toxicity, with a proposal for harmonised classification as Repr. 1B for certain substances. This classification indicates potential fertility and developmental toxicity risks. Additionally, many substances in this group are identified as hazardous to the aquatic environment, necessitating further data generation to address uncertainties in aquatic toxicity.
Regulatory Actions and Recommendations
ECHA suggests immediate actions such as compliance checks to confirm identified hazards. If reproductive toxicity is confirmed, harmonised classification would trigger regulatory risk management measures at the workplace. The agency also highlights the need for potential restrictions on consumer mixtures containing these substances, particularly if classified as reproductive toxicants.
Industrial and Consumer Uses
While the primary use of tert-alkyl/aryl peroxyesters is in industrial polymer production, minor uses in paints, coatings, adhesives, and sealants have been reported. These applications may pose higher exposure risks, especially for consumers, prompting ECHA to consider further regulatory measures if new hazard information emerges.
Ongoing and Future Assessments
ECHA's assessment is iterative, meaning it will be updated as new information becomes available. The agency emphasises the importance of generating further data to clarify potential hazards and ensure appropriate regulatory actions are taken. This proactive approach aims to prevent regrettable substitutions and ensure the safety of both workers and the environment.