The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has shared expert feedback on its 2023 white paper, which details a new quantitative strategy for assessing human health risks linked to asbestos. This approach forms a crucial part of the second phase of the risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and extends its focus to include all asbestos fibre types as well as historical uses and disposals.
The scope of the asbestos risk evaluation under TSCA was previously limited by the past Administration, which confined its review to ongoing uses of asbestos, notably overlooking legacy uses and disposals. This exclusion was notably significant as it left out several asbestos fibre types apart from chrysotile, the only one with ongoing uses. However, a 2019 court decision mandated the inclusion of these “legacy uses” and “associated disposal” in the TSCA’s scope. This led to the necessity for a supplemental review, termed "part 2," which encompasses a broader range of asbestos fibres, including crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite, as well as asbestos-containing talc.
Asbestos Health Risks
Recognising the severe health risks posed by asbestos exposure, such as cancer, the EPA has been rigorously working to quantify these hazards. The white paper, released in August 2023 for public scrutiny and expert review, outlines the EPA’s proposed methodologies for leveraging existing hazard values in the upcoming risk evaluation. It also emphasises a systematic approach to review scientific studies pertinent to asbestos hazards, focusing on their relevance to the "part 2" risk evaluation.
Adhering to established guidelines by the EPA and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for scientific and technical peer reviews, the Agency sought independent expert analysis on the proposed quantitative methods for assessing human health risks in the second part of the asbestos risk evaluation. By submitting the white paper instead of the complete draft risk evaluation for review, the EPA aimed to concentrate on critical technical elements and optimise the time of the experts involved.
Asbestos Part 2 Risk Evaluation
The collected peer review comments, now accessible in docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2023-0309 and on the TSCA Scientific Peer Review Committee’s website, will play an instrumental role in shaping the final framework of the asbestos part 2 risk evaluation, which is expected to be released for public feedback in early 2024.
For further details on this significant development, individuals can reach out to Tamue L. Gibson, MS, the Peer Review Leader, at