The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has released a comprehensive assessment of quaternised alcohol amines and their esters, identifying potential risks and uses of these substances. Conducted in January 2025, the report evaluates the regulatory needs for these chemicals, which are widely used across Europe in various industrial and consumer applications. The assessment aims to determine whether further regulatory actions are necessary to mitigate potential hazards.
Understanding Quaternised Alcohol Amines
Quaternised alcohol amines are a group of chemicals characterised by their structural similarity, primarily used as intermediates in the production of other chemicals. These substances are prevalent in products such as washing and cleaning agents, plant protection products, and pharmaceuticals. The ECHA report categorises these chemicals into four subgroups based on structural features, including short alkyl chains, long alkyl chains or aryl groups, esters, and compounds with two quaternary amines.
Potential Risks and Hazards
The assessment identifies several potential risks associated with quaternised alcohol amines. While human health hazards such as skin sensitisation, specific target organ toxicity (STOT RE), carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity, and endocrine disruption are generally unlikely, certain exceptions exist. For instance, EC 276-038-9 and 701-357-1 are flagged for potential STOT RE hazards. Additionally, environmental hazards, particularly aquatic toxicity, are a concern for some substances, necessitating company-level risk management measures.
Proposed Regulatory Actions
The ECHA report suggests that further data generation through compliance checks is essential to confirm the low hazard levels of these substances. If hazards are confirmed, regulatory risk management actions may be considered for the entire group, subgroups, or individual substances. The assessment emphasises the need for a harmonised classification for certain substances to ensure consistent regulatory measures across the European Union.
Uses and Exposure Potential
Quaternised alcohol amines are used extensively in both professional and consumer settings, leading to a high potential for exposure and environmental release. Subgroup 4, for example, includes substances used in personal care products, adhesives, sealants, fillers, and coatings. The report highlights the importance of understanding the widespread use of these chemicals to assess potential exposure risks accurately.