The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has launched ECHA CHEM, a revolutionary new database designed to provide comprehensive information on chemicals. This significant technological advancement marks a new era in the sharing and accessibility of chemical data.
ECHA CHEM, unveiled in its first release, currently features information from all the over 100,000 REACH registrations submitted by companies. As part of its continuous development, later this year, the database will incorporate the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, and the first set of regulatory lists.
Mercedes Viñas, ECHA’s Director of Submissions and Interaction, expressed her enthusiasm about the launch:
ECHA CHEM represents a major leap in our efforts to disseminate data on chemicals collected through ECHA’s activities. It's not just about making this information accessible, but doing so in a way that is user-friendly and reliable.
Kai Taka-aho, Director of Information Systems, highlighted the technical prowess of ECHA CHEM:
We’ve developed a flexible and robust platform, capable of managing vast data volumes and adaptable to various future requirements. ECHA CHEM is a future-proof solution, thanks to our strategic technological choices.
Since its inception in 2016, ECHA’s Information on chemicals platform has rapidly expanded, now containing information on over 360,000 chemicals. The decision to develop ECHA CHEM, announced in 2022, was driven by the need to better manage the increasing diversity and volume of data, while leveraging the latest technological advancements.
ECHA CHEM is more than just a database; it's a dynamic platform where users can search for specific chemicals and find support. It embodies ECHA’s commitment to transparency and public service in the field of chemical safety and regulation.