The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has introduced a ground-breaking guidance document dedicated to the assessment of biocidal substances' impact on bees. This move is a crucial component of the European Union's ambitious efforts to stem the decline of pollinator populations by the year 2030 and to safeguard biodiversity across Europe.
Comprehensive Approach for Bee Protection
The newly released guidance offers a detailed approach for evaluating the risk that biocides, particularly insecticides and acaricides (product-type 18), pose to various bee species including honey bees, bumble bees, and solitary bees. The focus is on substances that could potentially impair bees' nervous and immune systems, rendering them more prone to diseases. Leveraging the latest scientific advancements, the guidance aims to ensure thorough risk assessments.
Guidance for Compliance and Approval
The document serves as an essential tool for companies in the process of obtaining approvals for active substances or product authorizations under the EU’s Biocidal Products Regulation. It outlines the necessary steps for conducting risk assessments and provides a blueprint for authorities to evaluate these applications effectively, ensuring compliance with authorization conditions.
A Commitment to Pollinator Health
Peter van der Zandt, ECHA’s Director for Risk Management said:
Certain chemicals used in products such as insecticides have been identified as a cause for decline in pollinator populations alongside climate change and habitat loss. This guidance will take companies and authorities one step closer to better protecting bees, that are essential for people and the planet.
Educational Outreach and Implementation
To support the implementation of the guidance, ECHA is organizing a webinar on 5 March 2024 offering a platform for experts to discuss the document's contents and address questions from the audience. This event is part of ECHA’s commitment to facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the guidance among stakeholders.
Future Directions
The application timeline of this guidance in biocide assessments will be determined by the European Commission and EU Member States in due course. The guidance was developed in response to the European Commission's 2019 request, aligning with the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 and the Pollinators Initiative. It reflects a collaborative effort, incorporating insights from various Member States and stakeholder groups, and aligns with the EFSA's guidance on the risk assessment of plant protection products on bees, fostering a cohesive strategy for pollinator protection within the EU.