The approval for Hydrochloric acid (CAS 7647-01-0 EC 231-595-7) in product type 02 has been extended from its initial expiration date of 30 April 2024 to the new date of 31 October 2026. This extension allows for the completion of the renewal evaluation under the EU BPR. If you are considering introducing new biocidal products with this active substance in NI, you must obtain EU BPR product authorization prior to supply. Stay tuned for a separate update from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regarding the renewal decision.
Impending Deadlines for Active Substance Renewals
For the continuity of biocidal products in the NI market, it is vital to apply for the renewal of active substance approvals. The applications must be submitted to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) at least 550 days before the expiry of the current approval. Several active substances' deadlines are approaching, and responses are required to maintain market presence. A detailed list of these substances and their respective deadlines can be found on the ECHA website.
Supporting Active Substance Renewals
It's crucial to note that the renewal of an active substance/product combination under the EU BPR can be supported by any entity, not just the original backer. Review the EU Article 95 List to identify the original supporters and contact them or your supplier if these substances are of importance to your operations.
If these deadlines are missed for the active substances/product type combinations under consideration, their approvals will expire, ceasing their use in biocidal products or treated articles of the relevant product types in NI. This could significantly disrupt market offerings and compliance with biocidal regulations.
Understanding and anticipating changes within the regulatory framework is crucial for businesses dealing with biocides. By being proactive, remaining informed, and complying with the latest regulations, you can ensure uninterrupted market access and avoid potential non-compliance penalties. For any questions or further guidance on biocidal products, don't hesitate to consult the resources provided or contact the relevant regulatory bodies.