Large radish leaves follow kale MRLs; small ones match Roman rocket's, due to different growth traits.
Feb 2024
The substances are primarily used as optical brighteners or whitening agents in the production of paper products and textiles.
Some of the notable substances with extensions include Copper (II) hydroxide, Hydrochloric acid, and Cholecalciferol.
Uses include products designed for controlling harmful organisms in industrial processes, such as water treatment and cooling systems.
The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) reveals the current state of play of the strategy in a recent report.
The novel method allows for the accurate detection and quantification of 32 PFAS compounds directly from the container walls.
The new deadline is now set for 31 March 2024, offering relief to companies facing difficulties with the electronic reporting tool.
The newly released guidance offers a detailed approach for evaluating the risk that biocides, particularly insecticides and acaricides.
Affected companies with GB BPR product authorisations or Control of Pesticides Regulations product approvals will be contacted by the HSE.
The EPA issues an Existing Stocks Order which is specifically tailored for the 2024 growing season.
The EPA is also poised to conduct a virtual public meeting on 5 March 2024 where stakeholders can oral public comments.
The $10 million funding, spanning five years from 2024 to 2029, is part of a broader effort to ensure the safe use of pesticides across the nation.
The digital labelling initiative allows companies to upload crucial regulatory and manufacturing details online.
UK Gov updates chemical regulations: Key changes in POPs, ODS, Halons, F Gas, and plant protection.
UK REACH takes a step forward with the recommendation to include diisohexyl phthalate in the REACH UK Authorisation List.
Learn about the new biocides regulation in Great Britain, upcoming deadlines, and how to ensure compliance.
Get insights on the GB CLP Regulation updates and their impact on the chemical industry. Stay informed and compliant.
The programme prioritises PFAS, focusing on assessing and potentially restricting its widespread use in consumer products.
The finalised rule introduces reduced fees for EPA-initiated risk evaluations and new chemical submissions.
The consortium brings together a diverse array of expertise, including the department for experimental toxicology and ecology at BASF.
The MOU also paves the way for joint outreach efforts, with the EPA and USDA planning to engage stakeholders.
Carbaryl and methomyl, widely employed pesticides, have been under scrutiny due to their potential impacts on wildlife.
The absence of support for these bromine-based product types means they are subject to removal from the GB market.
The initiative marks a significant pivot in the EPA's approach to integrating the Endangered Species Act (ESA) with FIFRA.
Stakeholders are encouraged to contribute updated use information and comments, with consultations open until 7 May 2024.
The draft strictly prohibits the use of BPA in the manufacture of food contact plastics, varnishes, coatings, printing inks and more.
The committee praises the move to end dental amalgam use, backed by safer, mercury-free filling options.
Goodwill M + G says EU microplastics rule unfairly bans glitter in their Christmas decor, hurting their business.
This article provides insights into the evolving biocide regulations in Northern Ireland and informs about critical deadlines under the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (EU BPR).
This initiative seeks to amend Commission Regulation 340/2008 on the fees and charges payable to ECHA.
This move is anticipated to have a considerable impact on how products are marketed and labelled.
A pivotal aspect of the assessment was the evaluation of asulam-sodium's potential endocrine-disrupting properties.
The newly unveiled Method 1633 allows for the detection of 40 PFAS compounds across a wide array of samples.
EPA's evaluation concluded that these nine PFAS compounds meet the necessary criteria for hazardous designation.
The reinstatement of the tolerances allows for its continued use under specific conditions outlined by the EPA.
The new deadlines range from 31 December 2026 through to 31 December 2030, depending on intrinsic hazards and tonnage.
ECHA CHEM features information from all the over 100,000 REACH registrations submitted by companies.
Jan 2024
The EPA has updated its recommendations to exclude ecolabels or standards that solely address individual PFAS chemicals.
The Commission's adoption of the draft act planned for the second quarter of 2024.
The appellant asserts that the eMSCA delivered their assessment later than the regulation requires.
The case centred on the inclusion of the chemical substance phenanthrene into the REACH Candidate List.
The EPA values external input on its Scientific Integrity Policy and is open to incorporating public feedback into the final revised policy.
Failure to submit renewal applications at least 550 days before the expiry of the current approval will result in the removal of these substances from the market.
The ECHA reports a significant increase in the import and export of hazardous chemicals in the EU after benzene regulation updates.
This development is part of the EPA's broader initiative to assess the environmental impact of 6PPD-quinone and its derivatives.
This session will focus on the evaluation process for acetaldehyde, acrylonitrile, benzenamine, MBOCA, and vinyl chloride under TSCA.
The court case underscored a significant debate on environmental policy and the scientific assessment of plastic biodegradability.
The report raises concerns about high potential exposure when used as plasticisers in polymer preparations in professional and consumer uses.
ECHA outlines an expansion of its legal mandate, primarily influenced by the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and the EU Green Deal.
Carbendazim, a systemic fungicide, has been at the centre of environmental and health concerns.
Explore the EU Policy Framework on biobased, biodegradable, and compostable plastics for a sustainable plastic economy.
Submit your annual reports on the export and import of PIC chemicals during 2023 by the 31st of March, 2024.
Discover how the EPA's new initiative aims to enhance pesticide safety for farmworkers.
EUBP addresses the shortcomings of the EU policy framework on biobased, biodegradable, and compostable plastics.
Get an in-depth analysis of the key outcomes from the REACH Committee meeting and their implications for businesses.
This Directive is set to have far-reaching implications for industries, consumers, and environmental policies.
These changes signify a substantial shift in the Swiss regulatory landscape for food contact materials, safeguarding consumer health.
The investigation will gather extensive information on materials, articles, and products containing aromatic brominated flame retardants.
These guidelines, reflecting the latest scientific advancements, have been revised to align with the updated REACH information requirements.
ECHA recommends the preparation of an Annex XV dossier for restriction, targeting the use of UV-320, UV-327, and UV-350 in various articles.
Businesses that deal with these substances, whether as pure chemicals, in mixtures, or in products, must now adhere to stringent regulations.
Recent decisions on the approval and non-approval of active substances under the EU BPR are set to impact the biocide market in Northern Ireland.
The EU may potentially update its Fertilising Products Regulation to include soil-biodegradable mulch films, revolutionizing sustainable agriculture and reducing microplastic accumulation.
Explore the EU's initiative on single-use plastics, its commitment to reducing plastic pollution, and promoting sustainable alternatives.
This article provides an overview of the European Union's efforts to combat plastic pellet pollution, including proposed regulatory measures and the importance of international cooperation.
The U.S. EPA shares its progress in the first year of implementing the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2022 (PRIA 5), highlighting key strategies and achievements.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of Great Britain has proposed the withdrawal of approval for three active substances used in plant protection products. This move is significant in the world of agriculture and environmental safety.
Learn how the updated PRIO database aids in eliminating PFAS from products. Stay informed and proactive.
The European Commission introduces new packaging regulations to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
Facilities in certain sectors and federal facilities that manufacture or use these chemicals above certain quantities must now report.
California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has officially included Bisphenol S (BPS) on the Proposition 65 list as a reproductive toxicant. This move has significant implications for businesses and consumers.
The granted exemption will expire on 28 May 2028, which coincides with a scheduled review of related restrictions under REACH.
This initiative focuses on setting and reviewing maximum levels for certain undesirable substances in animal feed.
The contract is crucial for the development of NAM-based tools and data for the hazard identification and characterization chemicals.
The EPA's advisory is a critical step in ensuring the safe and legal use of pesticides in beekeeping.
Get the latest updates from HSE on the classification, labelling, and packaging of chemicals as per the GB CLP Regulation.
EPA will place increased weight on data from non-animal test methods that are more reproducible and provide results more relevant to humans.
Without this rule, companies could have resumed uses of these PFAS absent notification to and review by EPA.
Learn about the active substance no longer supported in GB and the upcoming renewal submission deadlines.
This decision to lift the restrictions marks a shift in the regulatory status of this chemical, indicating that it is not considered toxic.
The requirements will cover a wide range of plastic products and resins used in various industries.
This event is for professionals dealing with Plant Protection Products in Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI).
This expert feedback will form a crucial part of the second phase of the risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
This application is vital for the siliconisation of pre-filled syringes in medicinal products.
EPA seeks expert nominations for formaldehyde risk review under TSCA and FIFRA. Submit by 30 days post Federal Register notice.
The communication lists several new standards replacing older versions, thereby setting stricter benchmarks for nickel release.
The review period for these authorisations are set to expire on 31 December 2027.
The report highlights a 13% decrease in domestic mercury use in manufacturing, signalling a shift towards safer alternatives.
The program seeks to encourage the creation and registration of novel insecticides targeting these resistant mosquito populations.
This marks the first use of the EPA's section 8(c) authority in over 30 years, signalling a robust approach to chemical risk evaluation.
The EPA is set to reinstate chlorpyrifos tolerances upon the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals official mandate.
The EPA's initiative seeks to gather data on the industry's practices, especially concerning the use of PFAS.
The range of proposals, including restrictions and classifications affect both industrial chemicals and plant protection products.
Suppliers should now take actions to comply with the EU requirements that apply to Northern Ireland.
Cadmium is used in quantum dots for LED applications due to its unique electronic and optical properties.
Exposure to metalworking fluids has been linked to severe health issues, primarily affecting the lungs and skin.
Producers and exporters must ensure their products comply with these updated CXLs to remain marketable in GB.
Acetaldehyde, acrylonitrile, benzenamine, 4,4’-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) and vinyl chloride will be assessed for risks.
These address physicochemical properties, in vitro testing for immunotoxicity and skin sensitisation, and enhanced ecotoxicity assessments.
This directive aims to streamline the Endangered Species Act (ESA) reviews for new outdoor applications of existing pesticides.